Sunday, December 1, 2013

8 (More) Gift Ideas for the SLP!

Fact:  December is the best month out of the year. Not only does it mean Christmas and New Years, but it also means my birthday!! Woo hoo! :) I am always asked for a birthday and Christmas list for gift ideas, and this year, I started adding lots of SLP-related ideas to my wishlist.   I think it's fun when you can personalize a gift even more, so I would love any sort of gift having to do with my profession!  

That being said, I know there have been several other blog posts out there recently on gift ideas for the SLP, but I have had my eye on some different things that other people haven't listed, so I thought I'd throw out some new/different ideas that are on my wishlist, as well, in case you are looking for more ideas!

Up first..
1.  "It Takes A Big Heart To Shape Little Minds" Tumbler cup. By now, I'm sure you all have seen the "I help people communicate.  What's your super power?" tumbler cups.  From the same Etsy store comes this tumbler that I thought was just too cute! It'd be perfect for any SLP (or teacher!) working with the younger kids.  

2. Anne Taintor Sticky notes--(links here, here, and here) because work can get a little crazy and we all need a good laugh sometimes! And, we always need more sticky notes. Always. 

3.  "Lucky Me, I Get To Be Your SLP!" shirt.  I found this shirt back in the summer and fell in love.  I think it's super cute! I want to get it and wear it on our prek screening days :)

4.  "SPEECH" Plaque:  I've had this one on my wishlist for a while.  This would be a perfect little plaque to hang up in an office!

5.  Most schools/hospitals require you to wear an ID badge to work.  I prefer the ones that clip onto your pants, because I'm often times wearing a scarf or necklace around my neck already.  Many badges also serve as keyless entry into the building, so having a retractable badge reel is ideal! Get your favorite SLP a cute, stylish one like this one on Etsy:

6. Lanyards for keys--SLPs are frequently known as crazy bag ladies, and, sometimes, we (okay, I) have a hard time finding the car keys buried at the bottom of the bag! With a lanyard, it makes it easier to grab a hold of those keys while digging through the bubbles, files, toys, endless pages of laminated materials to be cut, etc... that always manage to bury our keys inside our bags. This Autism lanyard would be cute for someone who maybe specializes in that area or is very passionate about that particular area within our field! Or, for a more generic lanyard, check out these from Vera Bradley!

PS- I have a Vera Bradley one, and my husband *thoroughly* enjoys it when he takes my car and has to carry around a pink floral lanyard.. AKA he buries it in his pockets and hopes no one else sees it :)

7. Personalized Notepads- I received a personalized notepad set last year during teacher appreciation week from one of my former preschool parents that said "From the desk of Miss Kari" .. It's been one of my favorite gifts, and I get compliments on it whenever someone sees it!

8. Personalized Clipboards- These are SO fun! Who wants to carry around a boring old brown wooden clipboard when you could have something as fun as this?! SLPs are always on the go, and we do a LOT of assessments. Clipboards can help keep everything together while we're running around, and on days when it feels like we're drowning in paperwork, a cute clipboard to look at may be *just* the little boost we need to lift our spirits ;-)

What SLP-related items are on your wishlist this year??

PS- If you're looking for more ideas, check out these blog posts, as well:
*Speech Room News' 12 SLP Gift ideas (love her suggestion for iTunes cards (I got a TON last year for Christmas, and still haven't used up all the credit!), Starbucks gift cards, and children's books-- My in-laws go yard sale-ing all the time, and my mother in law always picks me up some good children's books when she sees them-- love getting new books for therapy!!)

*Sublime Speech's 10 Speech/Language Apps to Gift This Holiday Season- I love Danielle's unique twist on the gift giving idea... if you like the idea of helping your favorite SLP load up his/her iPad, but don't want to do something generic like an iTunes gift card, check out her post! Gifting apps is a great idea-- you just may have to be a little sneaky and do a little detective work to find out if they already have the app or not!

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