Sunday, June 29, 2014

Yard Sale Speech Goodies: Linking up with Speech Room News

*Cue "Fancy" song*

I'm so thrifty
You already know
I'm at the yard sales
Every Friday and Saturday

I'm back! It's been 2 months since I've blogged... TWO MONTHS! Yikes.  You know that song by Scorpions, "Rock You Like a Hurricane?"  Well, if you don't, the refrain goes, "Here I am.. Rock you like a hurricane!" -- That's what the end of the school year said to me-- Here I am & I'm going to rock you like a hurricane! I was in a swirling vortex of never-ending paperwork and IEP meetings... It was all I could do to make it out alive, with 11 meetings just during the last week alone! I'm sure everyone who works in a school setting feels my pain.

Once the school year ended, I started working ESY for my district and got caught up in lots of house projects, prepping for our housewarming party, and then planning a vacation to Denver-- I've been busy busy!

In the midst of all that, though, I've been doing *lots* of yard sale-ing this summer! My in-laws are yard sale pros and have gotten me hooked.  I'm linking up with Speech Room News today to show you some of my favorite thrifty yard sale finds!

Up first... Books!
These are just a handful of my favorite books I've picked up (or that my mother in law has picked up for me!) while yard sale-ing.  None of these cost me more than 50 cents a piece.

Up second... Potato Heads!
Working with the littles in preschool, Potato Heads are a must-have! I can work on body parts/items you wear vocabulary, requesting, combining words into short phrases, colors, concepts (top/bottom, big/little, etc..).  I paid $4 total, I think, for all of these potato head pieces!

Lastly... My Honey Bee Tree game and my bowling set.

Every game I've bought for therapy has been from Goodwill or a yard sale.  These are a couple of my most recent finds! I think these were only $1 a piece.  The Honey Bee Tree game is just like Kerplunk (one of my all-time favorites as a kid, myself!), but with "leaves" and bees instead of sticks and marbles.  My kids love it!  I bring out the bowling pins when it's a day I can see we need to be a little more active! I'll usually stick their artic cards underneath the pins.  I've also used it to work on basic concepts-- who knocked over more pins/fewer pins, or if I set them up in two rows, we can work on how many pins in the front row vs back row were knocked over.

I love bargain shopping!! Head on over to Speech Room News to read about her favorite thrifty finds, along with some other bloggers' favorite finds, too.

PS- I've gotten quite a bit of new-to-me things for my new house while yard sale-ing, too! (So much so that it's really hard for me to pay retail prices on anything anymore!)-- I'll be doing another post on those soon if you're interested in reading about some non-speech thrifty finds, as well :)
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